There really isn’t anything which fits this category. Apart from the fact that, as I’ve already said, I don’t “hate” any music – I just don’t listen to it if I don’t like it – my tastes haven’t changed so much over the years that I now even particularly dislike something that I used to love.
Some songs, though, drop out of favour not because my tastes have changed, but because the song itself becomes tainted by negative associations. And that’s the case with this one.
It would be stretching it to call this a song that I used to love, because even then it wasn’t a favourite. But it was a tolerable enough pop song from a singer that I quite like, so I was happy enough to hear it. Until, through a purely coincidental set of circumstances, it became associated with an episode in my life that I still cringe to think about. I still can’t hear this song without having flashbacks.
This is Amy Grant, with her biggest UK chart hit Baby Baby. I’ve used the TOTP performance as, yet again, the official video has embedding disabled so they lose out on the benefit of having it shared. Feel free to enjoy this, I’ll wait outside until it’s finished…